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Android APK installation for OFT-XXW01

Here is the process to install apk file to Android in Windows environment.
1. Please download Oracle JDK from here and install it.

2. Please download Android SDK from here and install it.

3. Once you finish Android SDK installation, it will run Android SDK manager automatically. Install packages in Android SDK manager.

Note: If you faced difficulty fetching package from google, check the box below.

4. Please refer to this link to install Intel® Android* USB Drivers.
5. Now we have to run adb.exe to connect with Android. Normally you will find it in C:\Program Fils <x86>\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools.
6. You will have to put apk file in platform-tools folder. Download Android file manager from here and place it in the same folder of adb.exe
7. Please remember to enable Android developer mode by click “Setting⇒About tablet ⇒ Build number” several times in Android
8. Please enable USB debug mode by click “Setting⇒Developer options⇒USB debugging”
9. Run command below in command prompt

adb install xxx.apk

10. Once you finish Android file manager installation, you can install any apk file by USB disk on OFT-XXW01.